Why Biogas ??
Biogas Traditional
CARE Biogas
How we can Help
Biogas Where ?
Biogas Yields
Biogas Kitchen
Biogas Digestors (Types)
Digestors Designs
Biochar Microwave Oven
Biochar to Coal
Biochar as Soil Nutrient
Energy From Waste 01
Energy From Waste 02
Know your CARBON Footprint
Solar Energy
Wind Energy
Energy Consumption


Acceleration and promotion of projects for recovery of energy from urban waste is our prime objective. 

The increasing industrialization, urbanization and changes in the pattern of life, which accompany the process of economic growth, give rise to generation of increasing quantities of wastes leading to increased threats to the environment. 

In recent years, technologies have been developed that not only help in generating substantial quantity of decentralized energy but also in reducing the quantity of waste for its safe disposal. 

In developed countries, environmental concerns rather than energy recovery is the prime motivator for waste-to-energy facilities, which help in treating and disposing of wastes. Energy in the form of biogas, heat or power is seen as a bonus, which improves the viability of such projects. While incineration and biomethanation are the most common technologies, pyrolysis and gasification are also emerging as preferred options. 

A common feature in most developed countries is that the entire waste management system is being handled as a profitable venture by private industry or non-government organizations with tipping fee for treatment of waste being one of the major revenue streams

The major Advantages for adopting technologies for recovery of energy from urban wastes is to reduce the quantity of waste and net reduction in environmental pollution, besides generation of substantial quantity of energy. According to a recent estimate about 42 million Tonnes of solid waste (1.15 T pd) and 6000 cubic metres of liquid waste are generates every year by our urban population. 

To create a conducive conditions and environment, with fiscal and financial regime, to develop, demonstrate and disseminate utilisation of wastes for recovery of energy; and To harness the available potential of MSW-to-energy by the year 2017

copyright 2007 @ Centre for Application of Renewable Energy
email : care@care-india.com